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IV Nutrition

The Full Story

Wellness Foundation: $200

  • Fluids 500mL NS/LRs

  • BComplex  

    • B12 (Methylcobalamin) 

      • Most pure form, supports red blood cells and neurological function.

      • Treatment supports peripheral neuropathy, diabetic neuropathy and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.

      • Too much can be counterproductive, checked via blood work

      • Mostly found in meat, fish, eggs and dairy.

    • B3 (Niacin /niacinamide)

      • Supports energy metabolism and cellular health.

        • supports converting food eaten into energy.

        • Body can make B3 from tryptophan (amino acid)

        • Tryptophan supports mood, cognition, behavior and sleep cycle.

      • Treatment supports inflammation, skin conditions, Diabetes, chronic kidney disease, pellagra and skin cancers. 

      • Important in supporting NADH and NAD+

      • Found in meat, fish, nuts and mushrooms

    • B6 (Pyridoxine)

      • Supports DNA, hemoglobin, Neurotransmitters, metabolism

      • Support in treating anemia, inflammation, mood disorders, brain health, heart health, eye health.

      • Found in meats, grains, veggies and nuts.

    • B2 (Riboflavin)

      • Supports Cellular health, metabolism and antibody production.

      • Essential for metabolism of carbs, proteins and fats.

      • Supports NAD and NADP.

      • Supports treatment of corneal thinning, migraines

      • Found in fish, milk, eggs, nuts and veggies 

    • B1 (Thiamin)

      • Supports cellular health, body needs B1 to make ATP (ATP is cells energy source)

      • Treatment supports fatigue, nerve damage, heart health. immune system, eye health, glucose metabolism.

      • Found in whole grains, legumes, pork, trout, yogurt

    • B4 (Choline)

      • Supports DNA cellular function and health, supports neurotransmitters, fat transport and metabolism (particularly removing cholesterol from the liver)

      • Severe deficiency can cause Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and muscle damage.

      • Found in organ meats, egg yolks, dairy, veggies, salmon

      • Most at risk for deficiency, endurance athletes, alcoholics, postmenopausal and pregnancy.

  • Inositol (B8 but not a vitamin, rather a type of sugar)

    • Supports insulin, mental health, metabolic conditions.

    • Treatment supports PCOS combined with Folic acid, heart health. 

    • May support treating depression and bi-polar disorder.

    • Found in fruits, beans, grains and nuts.

  • Vitamin C

    • Supports tissue repair, collagen production, immune system, powerful antioxidants in high level. 

    • Mimics glucose in the bloodstream, thus can drop Glucose levels when given IV.

    • Found in fruits and veggies. Higher levels in kale, broccoli, guava, papaya, brussel sprouts and peppers than oranges. 

    • Treatment for Scurvy. Can support reducing risk of chronic disease, decease blood pressure, reduce uric acid levels in support of gout, iron deficiency, boost immunity, support brain health as we age. 

  • Magnesium Chloride

    • Salt, mineral supporting metabolic reactions, energy production, blood pressure, nerves and muscle health. 

    • Mag chloride is well absorbed in the gut.

    • Found in legumes, leafy veggies, nuts, whole grains and dark chocolate.

    • Low levels are linked to depression, heart disease and diabetes. 

    • Great supportive treatment for migraines and muscle recovery.

    • Supports premenstrual symptoms PMS anti-inflammatory.


Suggested Pairing  

  • Wellness Recovery

    • Foundation + Amino Blend + Glutathione = $230 (1000mL fluids)

  •  Immune Wellness

    • Foundation + Immune Boost + glutathione = $230 (1000mL fluids)

  • Wellness Revival

    • NAD+ + Glutathione = Varies on dosage and supply

Add on’s: 

  • Recovery- $30

    • Amino blend 

      • L-Glutamine 

        • Building blocks for proteins

        • Supports recovery, fatigue, along with immune and digestive system.

        • Found in Tofu, eggs, skim milk, white rice

      • L-Arginine 

        • necessary for the production of nitric oxide, supporting blood flow, cell function and communication.

        • Important for development of T-cells (immune system) 

        • Found in meat, poultry, dairy, nuts, soy and fish.

        • improves blood flow, thus supports blood pressure, erectile dysfunction, pre-eclampsia, illness and injury. 

      • L-Leucine

        • Supports muscle health, growth hormone and glucose levels.

        • Found in eggs, seeds, oats and legumes.

        • Found in proteins but highest in whey, soy, pea and hemp. Lower in beef fish and poultry.

        • D-Leucine can support treatment for seizures.

        • Support treatment for Phenylketonuira

      • L-Ornithine

        • Supports reducing ammonia levels, helps detox acid bases.

        • Synthesized from arginine 

      • L-Glycine

        • Supports creation of proteins found in the skin, ligaments, muscles, bones and cartilage. Tissue health, hormones and enzymes.

        • Supports Glutathione, creatine and collagen  productions

        • May protect liver damage, in fatty liver, hepatitis and cirrhosis

        • Found in coffee and tea.

      • Taurine

        • Supports immune and nervous system.

        • Sulfur containing amino

        • Found in meat, fish and dairy.

        • Supports hydration and digestion.

      • L-Lysine

        • Supports protein, carnitine and collagen production, metabolizing fat.

        • Supports muscle growth and recovery 

        • May support treatment of Herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1).

        • Can block Arginine at the cellular level in the CNS.

        • May reduce negative stress (anxiety)

        • May improve calcium absorption and retention.

        • Supports wound healing 

        • Found in protein foods

      • Methionie

        • Important for cell and DNA functions.

        • Meat, fish and eggs

        • sulfa containing 

        • higher levels/dosages can be negative and increase chance of heart disease due to creation of homocysteine

  • Recovery/Inflammation/ Pain

    • Glutathione $50

      • Powerful antioxidant- composed of glutamine, glycine and cysteine.

        • NAC or N-acetylcysteine support creation of cysteine and support respiratory conditions.

        • Levels decline with age

        • Support detoxing, decrease stress and poor nutrition.

        • Supports reduction of oxidative stress or free radicals, in turn helping treat diabetes, cancer and arthritis.

        • May improve psoriasis

        • Repair cell damage with liver disease 

        • Improves insulin resistance

        • Improves mobility in peripheral artery disease

        • May help with Parkinson's symptoms

        • Supports treatment for chronic and acute inflammation

        • Can be nebulized for respiratory illnesses. 

        • Found in raw or rare meat, unpasteurized dairy, fresh fruits and veggies, higher in avocado and asparagus. Cooking diminish levels

          • higher in broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts and bok choy

          • garlic and eggs 

    • Toradol $50 (Potent NSAID)

    • Dexamethasone $100 (inflammation and Immune for sick clients not a boost)

    • Magnesium $60

  • Energy

    • L-Carnitine

      • Supports cellular function and health. Energy production for cells.

      • Supports soreness and recovery

      • mostly stored in muscles 

      • Moves fatty acids to burn as energy thus can support weight loss.

      • Supports brain function possibly more so acetyl-L-Carnitine

      • May support heart health, diabetes and depression

      • Muscle recovery, performance, oxygen supply, stamina and red blood cell production.

      • Found in beef, pork, chicken and milk. smaller amount in hard cheese.

  • Immune boost $30

    • Zinc

    • L-Lysine

    • Vitamin D (IM only) $25

  • Brain and cellular health 

    • NAD+

      • 150mg $100 (IM only wB12)

      • 250mg $250

      • 500mg $500

      • 1000mg $1000

    • Glutathione 

      • 2000mg $120

  • Just hydration LRs or Saline

    • $100 (IV hydration alone)

    • Addition fluids 500mL $25 each (3 max)

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